Monday, June 4, 2012

Why don't you.....

Mix stripes and floral!

Lately I have been seeing lots of mixing and matching patterns and I love it! I think sometimes people think there can only be one patterned item in an outfit, and that's just not true! Here are some tips I use to make sure my outfit still looks put together:
  1. I always make sure the two patterns are in the same color family, or at least have similar colors. 
  2. I love using stripes as one of the patterns because even though it adds interest, it doesn't add too much and doesn't make the outfit too busy.
This particular outfit is actually a dress with a tee that I tied in a little bun around my waist. This is a great way to remix dresses into new outfits, and it also brings attention to the skinniest part of your waist. You could also do this with a striped button up, or striped tank top depending on how dressy or casual you want the outfit to be. If a straight up floral skirt is too much for you, do what I did and use an abstract print that is floral-ish.

Rocco photo bomb 

Also, I think I need to talk to Target about sponsoring me because literally my entire outfit is from Target, minus the shades and jewelry. That is ridiculous. 

So who is going to try wearing stripes with floral?


  1. I love florals and stripes. Used to use them a lot in my home decorating - reminded me of English countryside decor. Looks fabulous on you!!
