Monday, March 4, 2013

Deciding on Maui


So, after much much deliberation, we finally booked our honeymoon! It was so stressful really fun figuring out where we wanted to go. The first step was deciding what type of honeymoon we wanted. Did we want to backpack through Europe, visit Italy, relax on a beach? We decided the most honeymoon appropriate thing to do was to relax on a beach.

Jim's two requests were that we go somewhere that 1. spoke English, and 2. accepted US currency. Hawaii it was. 

After getting input from many people, we (meaning I) decided on Maui. We'll only be there for 5 days (not including 2 days of travel) so I wanted to focus on one island, and next time we visit the Hawaiian Islands we can focus on a different island.

We rented a fabulous condo on Sugar Beach in South Maui and plan on renting a Jeep (Jim's idea) to explore the island. I'm not looking forward to the 9 hour plane ride, but once we get there I'm sure it'll be well worth it!

Any suggestions on things that we must do?


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