Friday, March 15, 2013

Drawing inspiration

In this post I talked about finding inspiration from outside sources. I think it's so important and helpful to look for inspiration outside of what's in your head. As a new blogger, I feel the pressure to be original and come up with combinations that no one else has. The truth is that an outfit I came up with all on my own is no better than an outfit I saw someone else wearing and it doesn't mean that you aren't unique if you recreate someone else's outfit. 

A lot of the fashion blogs I read never mention where their outfit inspiration came from. Like where the heck did you get the idea to wear that slouchy top with a high waist skirt?? I'm pretty sure they get outside inspiration just like everyone else does, but just don't show it. Here's my theory: everyone's copying each other and no one knows it. It's a fashion conspiracy. 

Ok back to reality.

So my usual morning routine is to hit the snooze button at least twice before crawling out of bed and then rushing to get out the door. When I'm trying to decide what to wear, I sit in front of my closet and just stare into the abyss until I get annoyed that I can't put anything decent together. I've got so many clothes, and not a dang thing to wear. 

Lately I've been pulling up Pinterest and just looking through their 'women's fashion' board. My goal is to find 1 look that I can recreate. Here is my inspiration and outfit pic together:

I thought it was a cute outfit for work, and I had a polka dot top and some pastel jeans I could wear. I did have one hiccup while recreating this outfit. I didn't have a grey cardi that I thought looked good with the outfit. So while I was staring at the dozens of other cardigans I have in my closet, I saw my light brown cardi that I never wear and would never ever pair with a black top. I looked down at my favorite flats I was wearing, and imagine my surprise when I realized that they were black and light brown. I decided to wear the light brown cardi and I think it matched my shoes pretty well.

Inspiration can come from anywhere and can be whatever you want it to be, the important thing is that you see something you like and make it your own.
