Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Walkin' Samster, Version 2.0

Last year I wrote this post about walking Sammie, and how she likes to take her time and mosey along. Well her mosey kept getting slower and slower until taking her on mile long walk really wasn't doable anymore. Enter, Sammie's dog stroller. 

When I ordered the stroller I wasn't sure if Sammie would even sit in it, she usually doesn't like being off the ground like that. When it finally got delivered to our house I put Sammie in it just to see how she would react. She loved it. She sat right down in it and seemed very comfortable being pushed around. 

Now going for walks in her dog stroller is her favorite thing! She likes to bark at other dogs from her little chariot. We're looking to upgrade her to a running stroller soon so we can take her to Town Lake, which I'm sure she'll love. 
