Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lately according to Instagram

I've been having a hard time taking outfit pictures lately, there's always something going on and I feel like most of my free time has been spent finalizing wedding details. We're less that 30 days out now and I can't help but feel the stress of it. The other night I was telling Jim how I was starting to stress out and he asked me what specifically was stressing me out. 

I realized then that there wasn't any particular thing that was stressing me out, and I didn't have anything that I forgot to do or lost control of. I think I've been stressed at the unlimited number of details that are going into this. Even though all the details have been discussed and decided on, it's a lot to juggle.

The good news is that we have an awesome day-of wedding coordinator that has everything figured out and answers my thousands of questions and makes my dozens of requests happen all while smiling. 

That being said, here are some lovely Instagram pics that I've taken recently. Enjoy. 

The capitol
Enjoying some strawberry shortcake with homemade whip cream
Our Valentine's Day dinner at Sullivan's, it was delish. 

A cute elephant planter with succulents
At East Side Succulents
Kind of obsessed with succulents right now

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