Monday, May 20, 2013


First of all, I have to say that these photos aren't the best.  I've been trying to find new places to take outfit pictures, and this fence scene was an experiment that obvious isn't working. So please ignore the shadows and focus on what really matters, the clothes. 
I've talked about drawing inspiration from outside sources here and here, and I think I've even talked specifically about Pinterest inspiration (Pinspiration) before but I'm too lazy to find that blog post and link it here. Anyway, this outfit came from some Pinspiration.

 I got this skirt last year, I think from Forever 21, and I've never worn it. It's a super cute skirt but I just couldn't ever find anything that looked good with it. Sometimes it helps to see someone else style something first, and this was true in my case. Hopefully I'll get more use of this skirt this summer!

Top: Forever 21
Skirt: Forever 21
Sandals: Aldo


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