Monday, May 13, 2013

Maui part 3

These pictures are of a winery in central Maui that was out in the middle of nowhere that we stopped in. Their specialty was pineapple wine, which was sweet and actually kind of gross, but we tried it! 

On our last night we had just dessert at another restaurant in The Four Seasons Resort called Duo. This place was super fancy and when you arrive they ask for your last name so the server can greet you properly. When the host asked me for my last name I starred at her blankly for what seemed like 5 minutes before I said 'Rourke'. I am so used to my maiden name, this is a huge change for me! 

The dessert was fabulous and they brought out homemade cotton candy with the check. It was a sweet ending to an even sweeter meal.

The last day we were in Maui we went to the local aquarium, I try to visit the aquarium of each city I visit if I'm able to. My favorite was the octopus, my favorite at every aquarium is the octopus. 

Our last meal in Maui was by far the best, at Mama's Fish House in Paia, which is where Willie Nelson is rumored to have a house. The menu is typed up everyday depending on what was caught that morning, and the dishes even say the fisherman's name that caught the fish. 

Before and after

Maui was absolutely amazing and I'm so glad we chose it for our honeymoon destination. I am confident that we saw everything we wanted to see while there and that we can check Maui off of our list of places to visit. Maybe we'll come back to the Hawaiian Islands for our 10 year anniversary. 


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