Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Maui part 2

This was our view from Ferraro's at the Four Seasons, the food was fabulous. Jim's favorite part was that his jack and coke came with a tall glass half full of jack, and a carafe of coke so he could mix the drink himself. There was someone playing an acoustic guitar in the background during dinner and he randomly played our wedding song which was very romantic. 

The next day we drove around West Maui and found a little place called The Garden of Eden, which was gorgeous. It was literally on the side of a cliff which was very scary to get to, but when we got there it was worth it.

On the way back we found a black sand beach! Well, Jim found a black sand beach, I stayed in the car because at this point I was super car sick from driving down a winding tiny road around a mountain all day. 

Check out the size of that burrito! Besides eating at The Four Seasons, we tried to eat at mostly local places. This big as yo face burrito was from Kihei Cafe, a buzzing breakfast place in the little town we stayed in. 

This picture was taken at 10,000 feet above sea level. We visited one of the dormant volcanoes and weren't really expecting for it to be this high up! Maui is such a crazy place, at sea level it's hot and humid, but up here it was cold and windy. 

We were so high up that even getting out of the car made us nervous. We got out to visit the gift shop, took this pic then ran back in the car and drove back down to sea level. 


1 comment:

  1. Love seeing your pics and getting your commentary along with them. What an idyllic honeymoon.
