Saturday, August 18, 2012

What you don't have, you don't need

Ok ladies, it might be kind of hard to tell from the pics (please ignore the sub par quality, new camera coming soon!) but this tank top is mint green with a little lace detail on one side. I absolutely love it, but it's too short so I never wear it. Awkward length tank top, meet the high waisted skirt.

Lace detail

Lace detail

One of my favorite things to do is to find new ways to use old wardrobe pieces that I thought had something wrong with them (see here, here, and here). I'm not sure how I would feel if I had an unlimited clothing budget, but for now I like to work with what I have. Before I started reading fashion blogs, I always felt like my closet was lacking. It didn't matter how many new pieces I bought or how much money I spent, I never had enough. 

Getting into the fashion blog scene has really opened my eyes to all the great pieces I already have, and made me realize that I don't need to add anything to make my closet complete. Work with what you've got.


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