Monday, February 16, 2015

6/52 (Valentine's Day edition)

19 weeks
Charlotte is so fabulous she had multiple Valentine's Day outfits, these were just the two that I got pictures of her in! So we all had an interesting Valentine's Day this year. It started off with Jim playing a round of golf with a buddy, then he watched CJ while I went to lunch with a girlfriend. That may not sound like the typical romantic couple-ish thing to do, but we made up for it by ordering pizza that night and eating chocolate candies in bed ha! 

So anyway, I chose to spend my baby-free lunch at Piranha Sushi, which is my second favorite sushi place in Austin (first being Uchiko of course). Well this place is downtown, and there was a special event going on at the time so roads were closed and traffic was atrocious. 

We sure did enjoy our sushi, I mean just look at that picture! Traffic was so awful though that by the time we got back from lunch, CJ was starving and poor Jim couldn't do anything for her while she had a meltdown. :( 

Lessons learned: Always check traffic on googlemaps before venturing into downtown Austin, and always leave a bottle of milk even if I only plan on being gone an hour. 

The good news is that both Jim and CJ recovered from their traumatic experience, I may just need to find a favorite sushi place that is closer to my house.


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