Thursday, February 5, 2015


18 weeks
I'm surprised how well I've been doing posting a picture of CJ every week, hopefully I can keep this up the entire year. I'm sure it will be awesome to look back at these pictures and remember how small she was! 

I finally got a picture of her in her cute bulldog onesie before she outgrows it. That's the thing about baby clothes, they usually only wear each thing a few times before they've outgrown it. This particular outfit technically came from the boys side of the baby department at Target, but look how cute it is! I couldn't pass it up, so I put a pink headband on her so everyone still knows she's a girl. 

She's also sitting up in this picture. How crazy is that! She still slumps over sometimes and rolls on her stomach, but I think pretty soon she'll be able to sit on her own like a champ. 

So she had her 4 month check up earlier this week, she handled her shots pretty well. She is 14lbs and 24.75" long, such a big girl.

Bulldog feet, so cute


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