Friday, June 28, 2013


Top: Forever 21 Skinnies: Old Navy Wedges: Target (on sale right now)

I feel like I have been busy for the last 3 months straight. First it was finalizing wedding and honeymoon details, then it was actually having the wedding and going on the honeymoon. Since we've come back it seems that every weekend has been packed full of things, not to mention my work schedule has changed and I now have to work some weekends. I'm not complaining, I'm lucky to have a job, it still has been a big adjustment for me though. 

My cousin, Laura, also just moved to Austin from our little hometown Quincy, Illinois. It has been so much fun showing her as much of Austin as I have been able to, but I also feel like I haven't been able to do as much as I've wanted because there is just too much going on right now. I have to keep reminding myself that Laura lives here now and there is plenty of time for everything I want to show her. 

I'm also feeling super guilty because I haven't seen most of my friends in like a month, which is just sad. I know I'm just in the middle of a particularly busy time in my life right now, but dang it is exhausting. 

Ok, no more whining allowed, only wining allowed from here on out (get it?!). Here's to hoping for an stress free July.


Monday, June 24, 2013


I usually have a hard time getting rid of clothes because it always seems like as soon as you get rid of them you miss them. On the other end of the spectrum, I also don't like keeping clothing around that I know I will never wear. Because of this struggle, these jeans have been sitting in my dresser for a long time without ever being worn. I like the fit, but they are too short.

I finally decided to try to cut them into capri's in hopes of actually getting some use out of them. I figured I had nothing to lose, I wasn't wearing them now so I might as well try to make them usable.

I'm still deciding if I like them the way they are or if I should cut them into shorts. Have you ever had luck altering a piece of clothing?


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lately according to Instagram

The other week my friend Amber and I went to lunch at this new hip place on the East Side called Mettle. We both got their grilled cheese, which came with three different soups to dip (mushroom, tomato, and basil). It was delish. We also each got fancy drinks. Amber's drink was called the siamese caipirinha, which had thai chili, basil infused cachaca, and lime. My drink was called the tri berry 75, which had three berry infused tanqueray, lemon, and lambrusco. Fancy. 

We finally got our first tomato!! We have put so much time and work into the greenhouse this summer; from manual labor, to planting, potting, watering, etc. We have 15 tomato plants total so i am expecting a ton of tomatoes! I need to learn how to can all the tomatoes so we can enjoy them all year long.

Steak, glorious steak. As mentioned here, Jim and I have been grilling out about once a week and it's always amazing. We usually grill steaks with corn on the cob, baked potatoes, and garlic bread. 

Our wedding favors/centerpieces were little potted succulents. We had a few left over after the wedding that I planted in a planter in our front yard and found this little guy enjoying the succulents. Snails don't eat succulents, right?

Rocco sure does love walks. We take him on a mile walk every night and if he misses it even once he gets those crazy eyes and then destroys something.

This is the view from a friend's fabulous rooftop pool above her trendy downtown condo. Not bad.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Monochromatic mint

Do you ever stare in your closet and everything you own is ugly and you couldn't possibly leave the house wearing anything in there? When that happens to me, I go for a monochromatic outfit. It's super simple but looks fresh and trendy, and most importantly it looks like I put thought into it when I didn't. 

This morning I was wanting to wear my mint jeans but couldn't find anything that would pair well with them, so I opened my drawer and there was my mint tee shirt. All I had to do now was throw on a necklace and some sandals and boom, outfit. 

I think being stylish is sometimes about spending time and effort putting something amazing together, but it's also about being able to throw together a few pieces quickly and still be confident with your choices.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer plans & goals

The other night I was asked by a friend, "So what's new with you?". I found myself struggling to answer and trying to make something interesting up because saying, "Oh you know, just working, same old same old." is boring and sad when it's true.

 After reading this post about summer plans and goals, I got inspired to write a few of mine down in hopes of actually fulfilling them. 

Summer Goals:

  • I just ordered these string lights from Pottery Barn to put in our backyard. We have been focusing on improving the inside of our house ever since I moved in with Jim, and I would like to focus on improving the outside now. We have already done a lot of landscaping projects and built the greenhouse, but I would like to focus on smaller details in the backyard like seating and lighting. I'd like to eventually set up an area that has a few chairs around a fire pit, and maybe some cool planters. 
  • Jim and I have gotten into the habit of grilling out about once a week lately, and I'd like to continue that pattern. Last night we grilled steaks, corn, garlic bread and baked potatoes and it was delish. The best perk of cooking on the grill, no dishes!

Summer Plans

  • Later this month Jim and I are spending a weekend in Corpus Christi, Texas with my family to celebrate my sister-in-law's graduation from UT with a Masters degree. I'm really looking forward to playing on the beach with my nephew, Miles. 
  • In August Jim and I are going on a family vacation to Victoria, Canada, it's going to be so nice to get out of the Texas heat. I'm really looking forward to this since our last family vacation was a blast. This family vacation will be a bit different because there is going to be an addition to the family, Jim's brother and his wife are expecting their first child any day now!  
