Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer plans & goals

The other night I was asked by a friend, "So what's new with you?". I found myself struggling to answer and trying to make something interesting up because saying, "Oh you know, just working, same old same old." is boring and sad when it's true.

 After reading this post about summer plans and goals, I got inspired to write a few of mine down in hopes of actually fulfilling them. 

Summer Goals:

  • I just ordered these string lights from Pottery Barn to put in our backyard. We have been focusing on improving the inside of our house ever since I moved in with Jim, and I would like to focus on improving the outside now. We have already done a lot of landscaping projects and built the greenhouse, but I would like to focus on smaller details in the backyard like seating and lighting. I'd like to eventually set up an area that has a few chairs around a fire pit, and maybe some cool planters. 
  • Jim and I have gotten into the habit of grilling out about once a week lately, and I'd like to continue that pattern. Last night we grilled steaks, corn, garlic bread and baked potatoes and it was delish. The best perk of cooking on the grill, no dishes!

Summer Plans

  • Later this month Jim and I are spending a weekend in Corpus Christi, Texas with my family to celebrate my sister-in-law's graduation from UT with a Masters degree. I'm really looking forward to playing on the beach with my nephew, Miles. 
  • In August Jim and I are going on a family vacation to Victoria, Canada, it's going to be so nice to get out of the Texas heat. I'm really looking forward to this since our last family vacation was a blast. This family vacation will be a bit different because there is going to be an addition to the family, Jim's brother and his wife are expecting their first child any day now!  


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