Saturday, February 16, 2013

South Padre

In December Jim and I went on a mini family vacation to stay at his parents condo in South Padre. The island was totally deserted and it was perfect. It was the first vacation in a long time where I was actually able to relax. Normally vacations are packed full of days spent trying to squeeze as many events, visits, and sights as possible. This vacation was different in that we came to see the ocean, and when we looked out the window we could see it, no additional travelling required.
Jim's step mom and dad

Check out Jim's beard! Love that thing.

Jim and I with his brother and sister in law
Pirate Jim

Insane pirate Justin

The girls

Relaxing in the condo
Back of our condo
Pool, where we spent most nights

I'm very passionate about shrimp!


1 comment:

  1. It was a wonderful trip!!! And your shrimp were fabuloso. xoxo
