Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Office casual

As you've seen before (here, and here), I work in a pretty casual office environment. Sometimes I think it would be kind of nice to dress up in fancy 'grown up' clothes, but for the most part I like the freedom I have to be creative with my work attire.

Hey, remember this belt? I finally returned it to my friend, and bought my own! yea! This belt is perfect for this top, which isn't fitted enough to be worn on it's own. I love this belt!



  1. So cute. Love the belt, top and shoes. Now you have your own fab belt.

  2. Hey Lex - Pics are looking great! New camera is workin' for ya!
    Also love that belt. I need to get me one - next time we're out shopping you need to show me where you got it. Also, jeans and sandals - cutie cutie!
