Thursday, June 21, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday

Just a random pic from our Vegas trip that my friend Ty took.

  • Forgetting to do this post last Thursday, oops.
  • Getting super into Game of Thrones now...just a little late. It's not all my fault though, I don't have cable so I rented the first season on Netflix, the only problem is now I want to watch the second season but it's not out yet! Arg.
  • The little neighbor girl that walks up to me everyday when I get home from work and asks me if I want to buy something from her (flowers, drawings, whatever)
  • Answering the phone because you think it's someone important, but it's actually the gym salesman trying to get you to buy a gym membership. No, I don't want to pay to go to your gym, I just wanted to get the free 7 day pass ok?!!?!?
  • Working out in a gym for free for a week.
  • When I thought I bought all the ingredients to make tacos and realize I forgot to buy the shells after I start cooking the taco meat, and Jim runs to the store to get them for me.
  • Having a clean house! It doesn't happen often, but when it does it's awesome.
  • Getting drunk in the California Pizza Kitchen at the mall, just because you really need to be drunk to deal with mall madness.

 How are you awkward and awesome?



  1. Getting drunk in awkward public places (mall) is in fact very awesome.
