Thursday, October 15, 2015

34/52 CJ is 1!

Wow look at that, a picture from every month of Charlotte's life so far. I can't believe I have a 1 year old. It's amazing how much she's changed. When she was born, she looked like a little sumo baby. Just look at that little cross eyed sumo baby.


Look at her now! She is 21 lbs 8 oz, and 29.5 inches tall. She's a pretty good eater, loves meat and fruit. She's not that into cow's milk and would much rather drink water, especially bath water! She loves looking at pictures of other babies and doggies. 

She is understanding more and more of what we say to her and can repeat the first syllable of lots of words. B-words are her favorite (boat, ball, baby). 

The word love doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about my dear baby girl. 


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