Thursday, July 12, 2012

Awkward and Awesome Thursday!


  • Chloe will not stop eating figs. My dang neighbor has a fig tree in her backyard that is so big that it hangs into our yard and drops figs everywhere. Like seriously, I will let Chloe outside and she will run over to that corner of the backyard and inhale 20 rotten figs. Can you guess how those figs are treating her digestive system?? :( Talk about fatal blowout.
  • I finally decided to rake up all the rotting figs and throw them away. 3 trash bags and 2 hands full of blisters later they were finally all picked up. Well the next day we had a downpour and what do you know, there were 50 new figs on the ground! Blerg.
  • Jim and I decided to order to go food from La Madeline last night and when we got in the car to pick it up I forgot that I was wearing my pjs. You don't see people in pjs picking up to go food from La Madeline at 6:30 every day people!
  • I'm engaged! Yea! It's crazy how much being engaged has already changed Jim and I's relationship in such a great way. Let's keep it up partner in crime!
  • There's a new season of Bachelor Pad coming out soon..!!!
  • Our friends Ty and Liz got a Boxer puppy named Keeper a few weeks ago. Rocco's in love.

How are you awkward and awesome?


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