Friday, February 12, 2016


Taken on 12-18-15
This chick finds new things to get into every day. Her new favorite activity is to squeeze into small spaces, crawl under tables, anything to give mama a heart attack.


37/52 (Christmas 2015)

Taken on Christmas

Taken on Christmas
I'm the absolute worst about taking pictures, so I only have a few reminders of Christmas. It's always jam packed with lots of events every year, and this year was no different. Charlotte did really well handling all of the stimulation and liked getting all sorts of presents! She got so many, a play kitchen, lots of baby dolls, puzzles, books, clothes. I think her favorite present was her Elmo doll, she's obsessed with him. 

Taken on Christmas 
Ha I love this picture. It's easy to only share pictures that make everything look perfect all the time, and anyone with kids (and without kids too) knows that's not always real. This picture is real, CJ had reached the end of her rope and was ready to go. 


Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Taken on 11-23-15
Look at that tiny little pony tail. CJ's hair seems to be pretty straight and doesn't necessarily like to lay down flat, but it's starting to get longer! 



Taken on 11-8-15

Whoops, I blinked and almost 3 months went by. I'm determined to finish this stupid 52 pictures project, so I'm just gonna pick up where I left off. 

CJ loves going to parks, she has such an adventurous personality and has absolutely no fear. I'd say this stage we're in right now should be called the 'exhausted stage', because keeping up with her is exhausting. I try my best though because there is no greater joy than seeing her run around a playground. 


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

34/52 (Halloween)

A lot sure has changed since last Halloween when CJ was barely a month old. Last Halloween she still wasn't very good at nursing and I just got so much anxiety taking her out anywhere because what if she got hungry and I had to try, and possibly fail, at nursing her in public?? I kind of had an irrational fear of her being hungry and me not being able to feed her, it took a while to get over that. 

This Halloween she was walking all over the place! She loved seeing all of the other kids while trick or treating and saw a few puppies which are her favorite. 


Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Gosh it's been a long time since I've gotten around to posting a weekly picture. I've never been so busy in my life as I have been recently. I read an article recently that talked about how working parents are stretched too thin, and it really spoke to me. There's just not enough time in the day to be a good employee, wife, mother, and friend. Some days I feel like I'm not even doing one of those well enough.

When I let those thoughts consume me I have to take a step back and remember that this is just a season in life. I won't always feel this way, and some days are easier than others. I'm trying to enjoy this stage because someday soon I'll look back and wish CJ was that little again.

Anyway, hopefully I can get caught up on these weekly pictures because I sure do enjoy looking back on them.


Monday, October 26, 2015


So Charlotte is officially not content being carried around and wriggles out of your arms anytime you try to contain her. Gone are the days of being able to get away with putting a pair of socks on her feet and calling it a day. Jim and I found her a super cute pair of Nike shoes that she loves to run around in. That's her new thing, short little running bursts, and also getting into small spaces and behind furniture. She goes full speed at all times!
