Thursday, September 26, 2013

Meet our newest edition, Giada

Jim and I have been talking about getting a playmate for Rocco ever since we got him in 2009. At the time Chloe was 10 and Sammie was 11, and they basically wanted nothing to do with him. We knew we wanted to get a puppy but three dogs was our limit, so we enjoyed our dog family for the time being. Chloe suddenly passed away in 2012 and after we got over that shock we started to think about getting a puppy. Well shortly after that happened we started planning our wedding and decided we should wait to get a puppy until we had gone on our honeymoon. 

I had just started leisurely researching breeders when Sammie suddenly passed away in early August. Rocco was noticeably sad and had never been the only dog before. After that I put the pedal to the metal and finally found a breeder I was comfortable using. To be fair, I have to admit that I was being very picky about where this puppy came from. If a breeder's website looked a little sketchy, or they said something I didn't like on it, they were ruled out immediately. I'm not saying I found the perfect breeder (there is no perfect breeder out there), but I found someone who I think can give us the puppy we've been thinking about for years. 

Anyway, this picture if of little Giada, we get to pick her up in 2 weeks and we are beyond excited! We've been searching for her for 4 years and now she's finally almost here. Welcome to our family little Giada!


1 comment:

  1. Beyond adorable! Congrats. What a cutie. Wish that had a breed that stayed looking just like this! xo
